Explanation: When the Inventory database maintained in Oracle* is mounted on NetWare and Windows NT and Windows 2000 servers, and the Out of Memory message is displayed, there is insufficient memory to run the inventory schema.
Action: We recommend a minimum of 256 MB RAM at the Root Server.
If the memory problems are not resolved, fine-tune the variables in the INIT.ORA file located in the ZENWORKS\DATABASE directory on the server. The file contains the following memory structure sizing variables:
Reduce the SHARED_POOL_SIZE value and increase the value of the other variables. Down and restart the server using the MGMTDBO.NCF or the MGMTDBO.BAT file.
If the Inventory database is in Sybase on NetWare servers, modify the parameters in the MGMTDBS.NCF file. For more information about the parameter values, see Sybase Database Startup Parameters in Workstation Inventory in Administration.