To view the VPP License Summary Page click the Mobile Management panel and click the VPP Summary tab. This page displays the app details, which include license information and consumption. You can also create bundles for any purchased apps in this page.
Create Bundles: You can create bundles by selecting one or more apps (for each app an individual iOS bundle is created) by clicking Action > Create Bundle. If a bundle for the same app already exists, then for the newly created bundle, the VPP subscription name is suffixed with the name of the app. For subsequent bundles of the same app, a random GUID number is suffixed.
NOTE:If the sync between ZENworks and Apple is initiated immediately after purchasing an app, then the Purchased license count might not display the correct number. Therefore, ensure that you verify the Purchased license count before assigning bundles or else distribution of these bundles might fail.
Export as CSV: You can export all app information displayed on this page as a CSV file. Click Export > As CSV to create a .ZIP folder. This .ZIP folder contains two files; a Summary file which will display all the app information that is already displayed on the summary page and a Details file with detailed information such as to which users or on which devices the app has been installed.
You can filter the data displayed on this page by specifying either the App Name, Publisher, or the Subscription Name in the Search field. You can also filter the data to view apps that have bundles or no bundles associated with it. For this, click and select the appropriate option.
Show/Hide Columns
To arrange the columns on the summary page, click and select the columns that need to be displayed on the summary page. The columns available for display are as follows:
App: Displays the name of the app purchased using the VPP account. You will be unable to hide this column.
Publisher: Displays the name of the app publisher.
Cost: Displays the cost of the app.
Subscription Name: Displays the name of the subscription.
Purchased: Displays the number of app licenses purchased using the VPP account.
Available: Displays the number of unused licenses that are available for consumption.
Consumed: Displays the number of user or device licenses that are consumed from Apple. This indicates that the device has synced with the ZENworks Server and the app is sent to the device but might not necessarily mean that the app is installed on the device.
User License Installed: Displays the number of devices on which an app, having a user license, is installed. For example: if a specific app is assigned to a user having three devices associated with him/her and if the app is installed on only two devices, then the User License Installed count will be 2. You can view the devices on which the app is installed by viewing the Details file, which is generated if you select the Export option.
User License Consumed: Displays the number of user licenses that are consumed from Apple. This indicates that the device associated with the user has synced with the ZENworks Server and the app is sent to the device but might not necessarily mean that the user has installed the app on the device.
Device License Installed: Displays the number of devices on which an app, having a device license, is installed. If the user rejects the installation of an app on the device, then this count will not be incremented. You can view the devices on which the app is installed by viewing the Details file, which is generated if you select the Export option.
Device License Consumed: Displays the number of device licenses that are consumed from Apple. This indicates that the device has synced with the ZENworks Server and the app is sent to the device but might not necessarily mean that the app is installed on the device.
Total Apps Installed: Displays the sum of the user licenses installed and device licenses installed.
App Size: Displays the size of the app.
iTunes ID: Displays the iTunes Store ID of the associated app.
Total Bundles: Displays the number of bundles created for the specific app.
Update View:
Click to initiate a sync between the ZENworks Server and Apple to update this page with the latest apps.
This option also revokes unused app licenses in the following scenarios:
Mobile device management on the device is disabled.
The device is in a Retired or Wipe Pending state. In case of a device assignment, all apps assigned to the device are to be revoked. In case of a user assignment, if the device is the last device associated with the user, then the app licenses are to be revoked from the user.
User does not exist anymore.
Unused app licenses are revoked when the device syncs with the ZENworks Server. Also, every two hours ZENworks automatically revokes unused licenses from devices that cannot sync with the ZENworks Server. However, if you do not want to wait for the device to sync or for ZENworks to automatically revoke licenses, then clicking helps in revoking licenses instantaneously.