This section contains information on documentation content changes that were made in the ZENworks Endpoint Security Policies Reference for the ZENworks 2017 Update 4 release. This information can help you to keep current on updates to the documentation and keep abreast of the latest updates in documentation.
The documentation for this product is provided on the Web in two formats: HTML and PDF. The HTML and PDF documentation are both kept up-to-date with the changes listed in this section.
If you need to know whether a copy of the PDF documentation that you are using is the most recent, the PDF document includes a publication date on the title page.
Location |
Changes |
Updated information for enhancements made to the Application Control Policy, which can now include wild card entries in application control lists to provide more comprehensive access controls with less configuration overhead. |
Updated information for enhancements made to the Storage Device Control Policy, which simplifies policy creation and maintenance and paves the way for more controls in the next release. |