Perform the following steps if you want to verify a successful installation.
After the installation has completed and the server has been rebooted, do any of the following to verify that ZENworks is running:
Run ZENworks Control Center
If ZENworks Control Center did not automatically start, use the following URL to open it in a web browser:
NOTE:If the Primary Server is not using the default HTTPS port, you must add the port to the URL: https://DNS_name_or_IP_address_of_Primary_Server:port_number/zenworks
This can be done either on the server where you just installed ZENworks, or on a qualified workstation.
Check the Linux services by using the configuration command
On the server, run the following command:
/opt/microfocus/zenworks/bin/microfocus-zenworks-configure ‑c SystemStatus
This lists all ZENworks services and their statuses.
To start the services, run the following command:
/opt/microfocus/zenworks/bin/microfocus-zenworks-configure ‑c Start
Check the Linux services by using the specific services’ commands
On the server, run the following commands:
systemctl status microfocus-zenserver.service
systemctl status microfocus-zenloader.service
If the services are not running, run the following commands to start the ZENworks services:
systemctl status microfocus-zenserver.service
systemctl status microfocus-zenloader.service