Installation Information |
Explanation |
Install Docker and Docker Compose |
Before installing ZENworks on a Linux Primary Server, you are required to install Docker and Docker Compose on the server. For more information on Dockers, see For more information on Installing Docker and Docker Compose see, Installing Docker and Docker Compose. |
DNS Server is Configured |
Ensure that a DNS server has been set on the server on which the ZENworks 2020 Update 2 Primary Server will be installed. Also, the hostname of the local machine should be resolvable over DNS. |
Installation path |
Several fixed installation paths are used: /opt/microfocus/zenworks /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks If you are concerned about disk space on the Linux server, the /var/opt directory is where the database and content repository reside. |
Response file path (optional) |
If you started the installation executable with the -s parameter, you are required to provide a path for the file. The default path is /root, which you can change to any path available on the current server. The Primary Server software is not installed when you run the program to create a response file. It only displays the installation pages necessary to identify and create the response file. |
Prerequisites |
If the required prerequisites are not installed, you are not allowed to continue with the installation. The requirements that are not fulfilled are displayed (GUI) or listed (command line).
If the .NET prerequisite is not fulfilled, you can click the ZENworks link in the description to install the runtime version that is bundled with ZENworks. After .NET is installed, the installation of ZENworks proceeds. This wizard might take a few seconds to launch. |
Management Zone |
New Zone: If you are installing to the first server in the zone, you need to know the name and password you want to use for the Management Zone. The password is used to log in to ZENworks Control Center. Zone Name: The zone name has a 20-character limit and should be a unique name. The zone name can contain only the following special characters: - (dash) _ (underscore) . (period). The zone name cannot contain special characters such as ~ . ` ! @ # % ^ & * + = ( ) { } [ ] | \ : ; " ' < > , ? / $ For Embedded PostgreSQL, ensure that the zone name is unique in your environment. IMPORTANT:While installing ZENworks in a non-English language operating system, ensure that the Management Zone name does not use special characters from any other non-English language.For example, while installing ZENworks on a simplified Chinese operating system, ensure that the Zone name does not use "üöä" from the German Character Set. Zone Password: By default, the login user name is Administrator. After completing the installation, you can use ZENworks Control Center to add other administrator names that can be used to log in to the Management Zone. The zone administrator password must contain at least six characters and is limited to a maximum of 255 characters. The password can contain only one instance of the $ character. Port Number: During the installation of subsequent Primary Servers, the server by default uses the ports used by first Primary Server. If the ports are in use on the second Primary Server, you are asked to specify another port. Note which port you specify because you will need to use it in the URL for accessing ZENworks Control Center from that Primary Server. Existing Zone: If you are installing to an existing Management Zone, you need to know the following information:
Database Configuration Recommendation |
You can enter the number of devices used in thousands. For example enter 1 for 1000 devices, 2 for 2000, and so on.The range of devices is between 1 to 100. Based on the number of devices, the database recommendation is displayed. |
Database options |
ZENworks requires a database. The database options are displayed only when installing the first Primary Server to the zone. You have the following database options:
IMPORTANT:The following points must be considered for external databases:
Database information |
For the external database options (Remote PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle), you need to know the information listed below. Defaults are provided for some of this information, which can be changed as necessary.
Database access |
For the external database options (Remote PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle), you need to know the information listed below. Defaults are provided for some of this information, which can be changed as necessary.
SSL configuration (shown only for the first server installed in the Management Zone) |
In order to enable SSL communications, an SSL certificate must be added to the ZENworks server. Select whether to use an internal or external certificate authority (CA). For subsequent installations of Primary Servers to the Management Zone, the CA established by the first server’s installation is used for the zone. IMPORTANT:After you install ZENworks , you can only change the internal certificate to an external certificate on Primary Servers. For more information, see The Restore Default buttons restore the paths to those that were displayed when you first accessed this page. |
Signed SSL certificate and private key |
To enter a trusted CA-signed certificate and private key, click Choose to browse for and select the certificate and key files, or specify paths to the signed certificate to be used for this server (Signed SSL Certificate) and the private key associated with the signed certificate (Private Key). For subsequent installations of Primary Servers to the zone, the CA established for the zone by the first server’s installation is used. If the zone is using an internal CA, you must provide the IP address or DNS name of the Primary Server with CA role. Otherwise, the wizard will not proceed further. For information on creating external certificates to select when installing to a Linux server, see Section 12.0, Installing and Configuring an External ZENworks Database. For information on creating external certificates for installing to a server using a silent installation, see Creating Your Response File. |
Root certificate (optional) |
To enter a trusted CA root certificate, click Choose to browse for and select it, or specify the path to the CA’s public X.509 certificate (CA Root Certificate). |
SSL Configuration |
The certificate validity should be between 1 and 10 years. If you plan to use the server as an MDM server, then to ensure communication with iOS and Mac devices, the certificate validity should not exceed 2 years. |
Pre-installation summary |
GUI Installation: To make changes to any information entered up to this point, click Previous. After you click Install, the installation of the files begins. During installation, you can click Cancel to stop, which leaves the files on your server that were installed up to that point. Command Line Installation: If you want to make changes to any information entered up to this point, you can type back and press Enter as many times as necessary. As you progress forward through the commands again, press Enter to accept the decisions that you previously made. |
Installation complete (roll back option) |
If installation errors occurred, this page is displayed at this time; otherwise, it is displayed after the Post-Installation Actions page. Installation Recovery: For both the GUI and command line installations, if there are serious installation errors, you can roll back the installation to return your server to its previous state. This option is provided on a different installation page. Otherwise, you have two options:
If there were serious installation errors, select Roll Back, which returns your server to its previous state. Upon exiting the installation program, the server is not rebooted. However, to complete the installation, you must reboot the server. To determine whether to continue the installation or roll it back, review the log file that lists the errors to determine if any installation failures were significant enough for your action. If you select to continue, resolve the issues that are noted in the log after you have rebooted the server and completed the installation process. To access the log file in the GUI installation, click View Log. In the command line installation, the path to the log file is displayed. |
Post installation actions |
Options are presented for selecting actions to perform after the installation has successfully completed:
Select from the following possible actions:
ZENworks System Status Utility |
Allows you to launch a ZENworks services heartbeat check prior to closing the installation program. Results are posted in the installation log. |
Rebooting (or not) |
Upon a successful installation, you can select between rebooting immediately or later:
The process of populating the database can cause high CPU utilization during a reboot or immediately after the installation program closes if you select not to reboot. This database updating process can slow down the starting of the services and access to ZENworks Control Center. The Patch Management downloads might also cause high CPU utilization, usually shortly after rebooting. |
Installation completion |
The actions you selected previously are performed after all of the files have been installed for ZENworks (if selected). IMPORTANT:If you installed to a Linux server using the command line, and if you plan to run any zman commands in the current session, you need to get the newly installed /opt/microfocus/zenworks/bin directory into your session’s path. Log out of your session and log back in to reset the PATH variable. |
NOTE:After installing the first Primary Server in the zone, the ZooKeeper service is by default enabled on this server. Ensure that the ZooKeeper service is up and running at all times to enable proper functioning of various ZENworks components. To verify the status of the ZooKeeper service, see the Diagnostics page in ZCC. For more information on the ZooKeeper component, see the ZENworks Primary Server and Satellite Reference.
If the Primary Servers in your zone are unable to communicate with the ZooKeeper service due to firewall restrictions, you can run the following configure action to open the ZooKeeper ports:You also need to ensure that the firewall allows client connections from other Primary Servers to the ZooKeeper services on port 6789. If the Primary Servers in your zone are unable to access the ZooKeeper service, then to open the ports, you can run the following Configure action on the server in which ZooKeeper is enabled.
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c ClusterFirewallConfigureAction -Doperation=add -Dservice=zookeeper
However, if the Primary Server that is within the DMZ is unable to access the ZooKeeper service within the corporate network, then you need to manually open the port 6789 in the corporate firewall.
For more information on the ZooKeeper ports, see ZENworks 2020 TCP and UDP Ports.