IMPORTANT:Effective 31st August 2022, Google has deprecated a set of APIs which affects the management of Android Apps within ZENworks. ZENworks makes use of Android APIs which are managed by Google to provide Android management capabilities. This change impacts ALL ZENworks versions, which offer Android management, starting from ZENworks 2017 Update 2 to the latest version - ZENworks 2020 Update 2.
Google has deprecated a set of APIs primarily dealing with the following areas:
Approval of Apps from Google Console - It is no longer possible to approve apps in Play Store using the Google Console. A new mechanism is introduced which allows you to select the Play Store apps from the ZENworks console.
Create Android Enterprise App bundle - Now, you can manually create an Android Enterprise App bundle in the ZENworks console by using the non-deprecated APIs, instead of relying on the Android Subscription Process.
Android Enterprise Subscription - A schedule interval is introduced to run the Android enterprise subscription to retrieve the latest information about the associated apps, their permissions, manage configuration, and update the information in the Android App bundle created.
Installation of Apps on Devices
List of Managed Apps available on Devices
Sync - The sync option is added to initiate a sync between Google and ZENworks to retrieve the latest apps metadata, manage configurations, and app permissions.
For more information, see Major disruptive changes to managing Android Devices with ZENworks - Read this important information.
For information on documentation updates for ZENworks 2020 Update 2 - FTF 1008 and above, see Documentation Updates.
Mobile device management helps you to secure and manage any corporate or employee-owned mobile devices that are being used in the workplace. Mobile management in ZENworks uses the capabilities of ZENworks Configuration Management, which is the same management console and system infrastructure that has been managing laptops, desktops and servers over the years. By leveraging the features of ZENworks, you can perform multiple management operations on mobile devices:
Enroll (register) mobile devices to your ZENworks Management Zone. Users can enroll their devices as:
Fully Managed: Android, iOS and iPadOS devices are supported. Full management of an Android device is enabled using the ZENworks Agent App that is installed on the device. Full management of an iOS or iPadOS device is enabled using the MDM profile that is installed on the device.
Email Only: Devices with native Exchange ActiveSync capabilities are supported, that is, iOS, iPadOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Manage Android devices using Android enterprise that lets you securely manage corporate data by enrolling devices in the work profile or work-managed device mode.
Utilize Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) and Apple Configurator to streamline deployment of multiple corporate owned iOS and iPadOSdevices.
Enforce security and mobile control policies on Fully Managed (Android, iOS, and iPadOS devices) and Email-only (that include Windows devices) devices. With a security policy, you can set password restrictions, inactivity timeout, and enforce encryption on the device. With a device control policy, you can control the use of applications such as the device camera, voice assistant, web browser, and other applications installed on the device.
Install Apps and Web App shortcuts on Fully Managed iOS, iPadOS and Android devices. You can distribute free App Store Apps to iOS and iPadOS devices and work apps from Google Play to Android devices, using the existing bundles feature.
Distribute and manage Apple VPP apps on Fully Managed iOS and iPadOS devices purchased with your organization’s Volume Purchase Program (VPP) account, by using the existing Bundles and Subscription workflow in ZENworks.
Distribute Configuration and Provisioning Profile to Fully Managed iOS and iPadOS devices to manage certain features on the device such as access to VPN and to run enterprise apps. You can also distribute Wi-Fi configuration profile to iOS, iPadOS and Android devices, using the Wi-Fi bundles feature.
Synchronize email from ActiveSync servers on Fully Managed (Android, iOS, iPadOS) and Email-only devices (that include Windows devices). You can also remotely configure the default email client on iOS and iPadOS devices.
Support for Direct Boot is also included for Android 7.0+ devices. This feature enables the ZENworks Agent to always be active on an Android device even before the device is unlocked after a reboot. Administrators can enforce policies such as the Compliance policy, remove the Work Profile or factory reset the device, even if the device has not been unlocked.
Secure apps that use the Intune SDK without the users having to enroll their devices ZENworks Management Zone.
For more information on the complete set of features supported by ZENworks, see Feature List.