By default, ZENworks Control Center has a 30-minute timeout value, so if you leave ZENworks Control Center idle on your computer for more than 30 minutes, you are prompted to log in again to continue.
The purpose of the timeout is to clear memory resources. The larger the timeout value, the longer ZENworks Control Center retains the memory resources, which might have a negative impact on the long-term performance of the device from which you have launched ZENworks Control Center, including the ZENworks Server if you have it running locally on it.
To increase or decrease the timeout value, modify either or both config.xml and custom-config.xml files on the ZENworks Server. The change applies only to that server’s ZENworks Control Center. Therefore, any devices that launch ZENworks Control Center from that server experience the same timeout value.
Open the custom-config.xml file in a text editor.
NOTE:The custom-config.xml file allows you to maintain customizations of ZENworks Control Center because information contained in this file overrides any corresponding information in the config.xml file. Therefore, changes made in this file are not lost when the config.xml file is overwritten during software updates or upgrades.
The custom-config.xml file is located in the following location:
Windows: ${ZENSERVER_HOME}\services\zenserver\webapps\zenworks\WEB-INF\conf\custom-config.xml
Linux: /opt/microfocus/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps/zenworks/WEB-INF/conf/custom-config.xml
Locate the <setting id="timeout"> entry.
Set the timeout value to the same number as you entered in the config.xml file.
Remove the comments surrounding the <setting id="timeout"> entry (<!-- and -->).
Save the custom-config.xml file.
Restart the ZENworks Server service.
For instructions, see Restarting the ZENworks Services
in the ZENworks Primary Server and Satellite Reference.