3.2 Preparing the ZENworks 2020 Appliance for Migration

Complete the following steps to prepare the appliance for migration:

  1. Verify the health of the database by running ZDC. Depending on your ZENworks version, download the ZDC from the Micro Focus Download site. For more information, see Downloading and Extracting ZDC in the ZENworks Command Line Utilities Reference.

  2. Ensure that at least 90 GB of free space is available in the /vastorage disk for ZENworks 2020 Appliance.

  3. Run the microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.zip to prepare and copy the zone properties for the appliance migration.

    NOTE:If Vertica is enabled in the zone, then the microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.sh script stops the Vertica cluster and the functionality related to Vertica will not work until all the Vertica enabled Appliances are migrated to ZENworks 2020 Update 2. Hence, it is recommended that you run the microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.sh just before starting the migration process.

    1. Download microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.zip from ZENworks 2020 Update 2 Download site.

    2. Extract the microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.zip

    3. Copy the microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.sh file to a temporary location on each ZENworks 2020 Appliance Primary Server.

    4. Log into the ZENworks 2020 Appliance Primary Server with root user.

    5. Add the execute permissions by running the chmod +x microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.sh command.

    6. Run the sh microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.sh command.

  4. Power off the ZENworks 2020 Appliance.

  5. If you have any snapshots, ensure that you delete all the snapshots.

  6. Copy the ZENworks 2020 Appliance virtual disk (vastorage).

    It is recommended to copy the ZENworks 2020 Appliance virtual disk and attach it to the ZENworks 2020 Update 2 Appliance. Ensure that you maintain the same folder structure in the ZENworks 2020 Update 2 appliance.

  7. If there is more than one appliance in the zone, before upgrading run the select * from zNetWorkAddress where ipaddress is NULL; query. If there are any hits, contact Micro Focus Customer Care.

NOTE:If the microfocus-zenworks-prerequisite.sh is not executed properly, or volume is not copied to the ZENworks 2020 Update 2 Appliance, then an error message will be displayed.