Ensure that you refer to the Prerequisites section before upgrading the server.
If the first Primary Server is an Appliance server with the Vertica role enabled:
If the server is the only server in which Vertica is enabled, then migrate the Appliance server. For more information, see Appliance Migration. The Appliance server along with the Vertica database is migrated. Continue with Step 4.
If the Appliance server is one of the servers in the Vertica cluster, then migrate this server. For more information, see Appliance Migration. After migration, continue with Step 3.
Post-upgrade, the zone will run with limited capabilities until all the servers in which Vertica is enabled, are upgraded. After all the servers in which Vertica is enabled, are upgraded, run the Configure action microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start to restart the ZENworks services on the first Primary Server that you have upgraded.
You can now continue upgrading other servers in the zone.
Ensure that you refer to the Prerequisites section before upgrading the server.
If the first Primary Server is a Windows or a Linux server that has the embedded PostgreSQL server, then upgrade the server and continue with Step 3. For more information on upgrading the server, see Upgrading Linux and Windows Primary Servers to ZENworks 2020 Update 2Upgrading Linux and Windows Primary Servers to ZENworks 2020 Update 2.
You can now continue upgrading other servers in the zone, in which Vertica is enabled.
Post-upgrade, the zone will run with limited capabilities until all the servers in which Vertica is enabled, are upgraded. After all the servers in which Vertica is enabled are upgraded, run the Configure action microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start to restart the ZENworks services on the first Primary Server that you have upgraded