4.2 Tuning the ZENworks Satellite Servers

Along with Primary Servers, Satellites Server settings should also be tuned to obtain optimum performance. It is valuable to understand the default settings and how you can further tune these settings if required.

The following configurations can be performed on satellites.

4.2.1 Tuning Linux Satellite

The following configurations can be done in the jettyenv file located at /opt/novell/zenworks/webserver/conf/jettyenv:

Configuring MaxPoolThreads for Jetty

To configure MaxPoolThreads value, modify the below property value in jettyenv file.


Default value for MaxPoolThreads is 500.

Restart the novell-zenworks-xplatzmd.service and novell-zenworks-jetty.service after modifying the above value.

Configuring MaxMemory for Jetty

To configure maximum heap memory for Jetty, modify the below property value to the required value in the jettyenv file.


Default value for MaxMemory is 2048.

Restart the novell-zenworks-jetty.service for the change to take effect.

Configuring MaxMemory for Xplat Agent

It is recommended to set maximum heap memory for xplat agent on Satellite server to 2048.

To modify the maximum heap memory for xplat agent:

  1. Go to /opt/novell/zenworks/lib/systemd/system.

  2. Edit file systemd-xplatzmd, search for the below property

    MEM_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MetaspaceSize=16m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m" and modify the value -Xmx512m to -Xmx2048m.

  3. Save the file and Restart the xplatzmd.service.

4.2.2 Tuning Windows Satellite

Configuring MaxPoolThreads for Jetty

To configure MaxPoolThreads value, add the below registry key with the value you want to set for MaxPoolThreads. Default value is 500.

In Registry Editor, on the Windows Satellite Server:

Registry Key Path: HKLM\Software\Novell\ZCM\Satellite (if the path does not exist, create it)

Registry Key Type: String

Registry Key Name: MaxPoolThreads (create this key)

Registry Key Value: (integer value - default is 500)

Restart Jetty Service for the change to take effect.

Configuring MaxMemory for Jetty

To configure max heap memory for Windows Satellite Server:

  1. Go to %ZENWORKS_HOME%\bin

  2. Right click on ZenJettyServerw.exe and click on "Run as Administrator".

  3. Under Java, modify "Maximum memory pool: " value to required value.

  4. Restart the jetty service.