The bundle dashboard consists of 5 default dashlets that display a summary of the assignment status and deployment status (distribute status, install status, and launch status) of an individual bundle. The dashlets can be grouped into 3 main categories:
Device Assignment Status: Displays the assignment status of a bundle to devices.
User Assignment Status: Displays the assignment status of a bundle to users.
Deployment Status: A set of dashlets that displays the distribution, install and launch status of a bundle across both user and device assignments.
These dashlets also enable you to perform certain quick tasks such as uninstalling a bundle and blocking a bundle. For more information on pinning, unpinning and other dashboard actions, see ZENworks Update 3Dashboard Reference.
To navigate to the bundle dashlets, you need to click Bundles in the left pane in ZCC, select a bundle and then click the Dashboard tab. You can pin these individual dashlets to the Bundle Home page, which is the Dashboard tab displayed when you click the Bundles menu in ZCC. You can also pin the dashlet to the main Home Dashboard page.
This chapter includes the following information: