After the ZENworks Agent is deployed, its details are listed in ZENworks Control Center, based on the information available for a managed device.
If the discovered information for a device is incorrect or insufficient, administrators with the Modify Device rights can manually change the details for the fields that have the Edit button next to them.
You can view the following information about a managed device:
Alias: Displays the name assigned to the device when it registered. The name is determined by the Device Naming Template, which is a configuration setting available on devices, device folders, and the Management Zone.
Hostname: Displays the device’s host name.
IP Address: Displays the device’s IP address.
Test Device: Displays if the device is a test device or a non-test device.
If the device is not a test device, you can click Set to set the device as a test device. If the device is a test device, you can click Reset to reset the device as a non-test device.
Last Full Refresh: Displays the last time that the device refreshed its information (bundles, policies, configuration information, registration information, and so forth). A refresh can be manually initiated by the device’s user, manually initiated by an administrator using the Refresh Device Quick Task, or scheduled. The refresh schedule is determined by the Device Refresh Schedule configuration setting available on devices, device folders, and the Management Zone.
Last Contact: Displays the last time the agent contacted the ZENworks Server.
Last Boot Time: Displays the date and time when the device was rebooted the last time. For more information, hover on the displayed date. The value will be unavailable if the server is at ZENworks 2020 Update 2 or lower versions.
Reboot Pending Since: Displays the date and time since when the device reboot is pending. This field will be displayed only when you have postponed the device reboot after applying a patch, update, or any other action that requires a device reboot. The value will be unavailable if the device reboot is completed, or if the server is at ZENworks 2020 Update 2 or lower versions, or if the server OS is Linux or Macintosh.
Network Location: Displays the network location name to which the device was connected. Along with the name, time and date of connection will also be displayed. The value will be unavailable if the server is at ZENworks 2020 Update 2 or lower versions.
ZENworks Agent Version: Displays the version of the ZENworks Agent software on the device. Click the underlined version number to display a list of the ZENworks Agent modules that are installed on the device along with their version numbers.
You can uninstall, enable, or disable the ZENworks modules by using the ZENworks Agent settings on the device’s Settings page. Click the Settings tab > click Device Management > click ZENworks Agent > in the Enable/Disable Agents section, click Installed, Enabled, or Disabled for each agent, select the reboot behavior, then click Apply. If you are configuring the ZENworks Agent settings on a device folder or a device, you need to click Override settings before you can modify the settings.
NOTE:For upgrading or troubleshooting purposes, you can use the Advanced Search feature to display a list of devices in your ZENworks Management Zone that have a specified version of the ZENworks Agent software installed.
Depending on whether you want to search for all devices (servers and workstations), for servers, or for workstations that have the specified version of the ZENworks Agent installed, do one of the following in ZENworks Control Center:
To search for all devices, click the Devices tab.
To search for all servers, click the Devices tab > Servers.
To search for all workstations, click the Devices tab > Workstations.
In the Search section, click Advanced Search.
Click Add to display the Search Criteria dialog box.
Click Add Filter, click Device/AgentVersion from the drop-down list, then click OK.
ZENworks Updater Service Last Contact Time: Displays the time at which the ZENworks Updater Service (ZeUS) last contacted the ZENworks server.
ZENworks Agent Status: Monitors and displays the status of the ZENworks Updater Service (ZeUS) and the ZENworks Agent. It might take a while for the status to be displayed.
Indicates that both ZeUS and ZENworks Agent are reachable.
Indicates that ZeUS is up but the ZENworks Agent is not reachable.
Indicates that ZeUS is not reachable.
Unknown; indicates that status determination is in progress
MDM Enrolled: Displays if the device is enrolled using MDM.
Displays Yes if the device is enrolled via MDM, else No is displayed.
MDM Agent Version: Displays the version of the MDM agent.
MDM Sync Time: Displays the time stamp at which the MDM agent synced with the ZENworks server.
Operating System: Displays the device’s operating system.
Number of errors not acknowledged: An error is any action that fails so the ZENworks Agent cannot complete the action on the device. The number displayed indicates the number of unacknowledged errors, which are any errors that you have not specifically marked as acknowledged. Unacknowledged errors are displayed in the Message Log panel.
Number of warnings not acknowledged: A warning is any action that encounters a problem; the problem might or might not result in the ZENworks Agent completing the action on the device. The number displayed indicates the number of unacknowledged warnings, which are any warnings that you have not specifically marked as acknowledged. Unacknowledged warnings are displayed in the Message Log panel.
Primary User: Displays the primary user associated with the device. If no user is associated, the field is empty.
Associating a primary user with the device enables you to establish bundle system requirements and policies based on the primary user.
To change the primary user association, click Edit. You can manually select the primary user, or you can have ZENworks automatically select the user based on the Primary User setting (Configuration tab > Configuration > Device Management > Primary User).
Owner: Displays the person who should be contacted with issues or questions about the device. Click Edit to change the owner.
Serial Number: Displays the device’s serial number. A device has a serial number if the device object was manually created in the ZENworks Management Zone and a serial number was specified (in ZENworks Control Center > click the Devices tab > click Add Device under Device Tasks in the left navigation pane). If the device is registered automatically using a registration key or rule, then the serial number of the device is set.
If no serial number is specified during manual creation, the serial number is set using the GUID.
Click Edit to change the serial number.
GUID: Displays the device’s GUID (global unique identifier), a randomly generated string that provides a unique identifier for the device. You cannot edit the GUID. The GUID remains the same as long as the device exists. The GUID, rather than the modifiable device name, is used when creating relationships between the device and other ZENworks objects such as bundles, policies, groups, folders, and configuration settings.
Department, Site, Location: Provides information fields for you to further identify the owner or location of the device. Click Edit to change the information in any of the fields.