From the Action menu you can perform one of five actions to patches that are selected in the Patches page. Descriptions of these actions are provided below:
Deploy Remediation: To use this option, select the check boxes for the patches you want to deploy and select Deploy Remediation from the Action menu options to open the Deploy Remediation Wizard. For more information, see Deploying Patches Manually.
Enable: After selecting one or more disabled patches, click this option to enable them. Disabled patches will only display in the Patches page if the Include Disabled check box is selected when a search is executed.
Disable: After selecting one or more patches, click this option to disable them. The selected patch is removed from the list and will only be displayed when the Include Disabled check box is selected during a completed search.
Disabling a patch also disables all the bundles associated with it.
Update Cache: Initiates the download process for content associated with the selected patch. Patch content is then downloaded by an Ondemand Content Master, which is defined as “pre-fetched.” Depending on your zone settings, the content could also be replicated to other Content servers or Satellites, which is defined as “pre-cached.”
To use this option:
Select one or more patches in the patches list.
In the Action menu, click Update Cache.
The patch icon changes color to indicate process initiation. When the download is in progress, the icon changes to white
. When caching is complete, the color of the patch icon changes to green. This indicates that the patch remediation is ready to be deployed.
Export: Details such as the status and impact of all patches can be exported into a comma-separated value (CSV) file. You can choose to save the file in a different file format after opening it from the download option.
To use this option, select the patches you want to export and click Export in the Action drop-down menu.
The result and follow-on steps after clicking Export will vary depending on your browser and browser settings. The file may download immediately to your local download folder, or the browser may present you with an option to open or to save the file.
NOTE:To know when a patch is downloaded, view the Message Log panel for that patch in the Bundles section.