The following terms are used throughout the ZENworks Agent documentation.
authentication role: A role that a managed device can perform to help speed the authentication process by spreading the workload among various devices and by performing authentication locally to managed devices.
bundle: The content and instructions required to install software on your device.
collection role: A role that a managed device can perform to improve information roll-up access for a group of devices and to minimize traffic to the ZENworks Primary Server that is hosting the ZENworks database.
content role: A role that a managed device can perform to help support distributing bundles and policies from ZENworks Servers or from other devices that are designated as Distribution Points.
device: A server or workstation.
device-assigned bundle or device-assigned policy: Bundles and policies that are assigned to a device so they are available to all users of the device.
Distribution Point: A device designated for the purpose of delivering bundles and policies to other devices.
imaging role: A role that installs the Imaging services and adds the Imaging role to a managed device. With this role, the device can be used as an Imaging server to perform all Imaging operations, such as taking an image and applying the image within or across subnets by using unicast or multicast imaging.
Join Proxy role: With this role, the device in a public network can be promoted as a Join Proxy Satellite Server for performing remote management operations on the managed devices in private network. ZENworks Satellites can act as Join Proxy servers while ZENworks Primary Servers have the Join Proxy role by default. Using a Join Proxy, you can remote control only a Windows managed device.
inventory: Data about your device’s hardware and software.
Management Zone: A grouping of devices that belong to the same administrative domain.
policies: Rules that control a range of hardware and software configuration and security settings.
primary user: The most frequent user of the machine. Frequency is determined by number of logins, amount of time logged in, or designated user; your administrator determines the method used to calculate the primary user.
registration key: An alphanumeric string created by your administrator and used by the ZENworks Agent to register your device in the Management Zone.
Remote Management: The ability to remotely access or control your device in order to resolve problems with the device. The following remote management operations are available: Remote Control, Remote View, Remote Diagnostics, File Transfer, and Remote Execute.
Satellite: A device with satellite roles can perform certain roles that a ZENworks Primary Server normally performs. Any managed Windows or Linux device (server or workstation) can perform satellite roles. When the administrator configures the device, the administrator specifies the roles it performs. Satellites help to minimize WAN traffic in the ZENworks system. Satellite roles include the following: Authentication, Collection, Content, Imaging, and Join Proxy.
remote operator: The person who is remotely accessing or controlling your device.
user-assigned bundle or user-assigned policy: Bundles and policies that are assigned to a user. They are available only when the assigned user is logged in.
ZENworks Explorer: An extension to Windows Explorer that enables bundles to be displayed in Windows Explorer, on the desktop, on the Start menu, on the Quick Launch toolbar, and in the notification area.
ZENworks icon: The ZENworks icon icon is located in the notification area of the Windows and Linux managed devices. Click the ZENworks icon to display the ZENworks Agent properties.
ZENworks Window: A standalone window that you can launch from the Start Menu (Start Menu > Programs > Novell ZENworks > ZENworks Application). The ZENworks Window displays all assigned bundles.
ZENworks Server: A server that your ZENworks Agent contacts in order to send information to and retrieve information from your Management Zone.