2.5 Launching a Remote SSH Session on a Linux Device

To launch a Remote SSH session on a Linux device:

  1. In ZENworks Control Center, click the Devices tab.

  2. Click Servers or Workstations and select a Linux device.

  3. Click Action > Remote SSH.

  4. In the Remote SSH dialog box, specify the following:

    • Device Specify the name or IP address of the device you want to remotely connect to. If the device is not in the same network, you must specify the IP address of the device.

    • User Name Specify the username used to log in to in the remote device. By default, it is root.

    • Port Specify the port number of the Remote SSH service. By default, the port number is 22.

  5. Click OK to launch Remote SSH Java Web Start Launcher.

  6. Click Yes to accept the certificate, then click Run.

  7. Enter the password to connect to the managed device.

NOTE:Before launching a Remote SSH session, ensure Java 8 or a higher Runtime Environment is installed on the device.

For information on managing the Remote SSH session, see Section 3.2.4, Managing a Remote SSH session.