To back up an embedded database, run the zman db command on the server that has the database role.
The backup is created in the following location:
On Linux: /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/common
On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\work
To configure the backup location and automatic backup schedule, go through the following steps:
Go to the backup folder location.
On Linux: /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/common
On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\work
By default, the backup should be available in the ZCMDB_pg_dump or AuditDB_pg_dump folder.
Go to the following location:
On Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/pgsql/pgsql-maintenance.xml
On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\conf\pgsql\pgsql-maintenance.xml
Edit the backup location in the pgsql-maintenance.xml file.
After editing the XML file, run microfocus-zenworks-configure -c AutomaticPostgresMaintenanceConfigureAction
Restart the PostgreSQL service.
On Windows:
To start the service, perform the following:
Press Windows + R keys.
Type services.msc.
Search for the ZENworks Embedded Datastore - PostgreSQL service.
Right-click the option and then select Restart.
On Linux: To start the service, run the systemctl restart zenpostgresql.service command.
Run the command zman db. The database backup should be created in the location that was updated in the pgsql-maintenance.xml file.
Modify the schedule in the pgsql-maintenance.xml file, and restart the ZENworks PostgreSQL service.
Automatically the backup will be created in the location and schedule specified in the pgsql-maintenance.xml file.