1.3 Connecting Jaspersoft Studio 8.2.0 to ZENworks Reporting

To connect Jaspersoft Studio 8.2.0 to ZENworks Reporting:

  1. Start Jaspersoft Studio <version>.

  2. In Jaspersoft Studio <version>, choose Window > Show View, then click Other.

  3. In the Show View page, below the Jaspersoft Studio view, select Repository Explorer, then click Open.

  4. In the Repository view, right-click Servers, then click Create JasperReports Server Connection.

  5. In the Server profile wizard, specify the following:

    • Name: Name of the connection.

    • URL: The ZENworks Reporting URL (https://<hostname>/jasperserver-pro/).

      Do not use the ZENworks Reporting server IP address.

    • Organization: Name of the organization.

    • User: A valid ZENworks Reporting user name.

    • Password: The relevant password for the user name specified in the previous field.

  6. Click Test Connection.

    Click Trust to accept the reporting server certificate. Connection to ZENworks Reporting server is established.

    After a successful connection is established, the ZENworks Reporting content appears.

  7. Click Finish to save the connection.

    For more information about how to use Jaspersoft Studio 8.2.0, see Jaspersoft Studio 8.2.0.