C3P0 logging is used to debug the connection pool usage from the ZENworks Primary Server to the database. With C3P0 logging, you can debug the check-in and checkout data of the connection.
IMPORTANT:Performance of the ZENworks Primary Server is affected with C3P0 logging enabled. Disable or do not enable the Hibernate logging when you are not debugging.
To enable C3P0 logs:
Edit the log4j.properties file in the ZENworks Primary Server to add the following lines:
# C3P0 logging configuration
log4j.logger.com.mchange=DEBUG, C3P0Appender
log4j.appender.C3P0Appender.File=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Novell\\ZENworks\\logs\\c3p0_zenserver.log
log4j.appender.C3P0Appender.layout.ConversionPattern=[%t] %d{ISO8601} %p [%x] %m%n
For the ZENServer process C3P0 logging, the location of the log4j.properties file is as follows:
Linux: /opt/microfocus/zenworks/share/tomcat/conf/
Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\services\zenserver\conf
For the ZENLoader process C3P0 logging, the location of the log4j.properties file is as follows:
Customize the log file name according to your requirement.
Save the file and Restart the ZENworks services.