A.1 Inventory Workflow on a Workstation

For any scheduled inventory scan or user-initiated inventory scan, the collector performs the inventory scan and prepares the scanned file according to the collected data. The workstation then sends the file to the Collection Server which in turn forwards that file to the Primary Server for further processing. Only when Collection Servers are not available, the file is sent directly to the Primary Server for processing.

The collector places the following files:




in one of the following folders in the workstation:

On Linux devices: /var/opt/novell/zenworks/work/inventory

On Windows devices: <Install -path>\ZENworks\work\inventory

The workstationguid-delta.xml file displays only the current scan excluding the last scan. The workstationguid-last.xml file contains data related only to the current scan and the workstationguid-full.xml file includes complete details of all the scans so far.

The collector uploads only the delta file to the ZCM server while the other two files remain on the device and get updated during the next scan.