8.6 Manually Adding New Device Manufacturer or Model to the Inventory Reports

If any device manufacturer or model is not displayed in the inventory reports, perform the following:

Update the system-models.properties file.

  • On Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%/conf/

  • On Linux: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/

NOTE:Before updating, ensure that you take a backup of the system-models.properties file.

The property file includes two section:

  • Manufacturers: Lists all the available manufacturers. If needed, you can add new manufacturers.

  • Models: Lists all the available device models separated by manufacturers.

NOTE:After updating the system-models.properties file, ensure that you perform Full Inventory scan on the agent.

8.6.1 To add a new model to an existing manufacturer

Based on the manufacturer’s name, add the model number/name as shown in the below example.

Example: If the manufacturer name is already added, then just add the new model name:

dell=Latitude,OptiPlex,Inspiron,XPS, <new_model_name1>, <new_model_name2>

8.6.2 To add a new manufacturer and model

If the manufacturers name is not listed in the manufacturers list, then add a new manufacturer name in the manufacturers list separated by a comma and then add the model name/number.

Example: manufacturers=acer,asus,dell,hp,lenovo,microsoft,samsung,<new_manufacturer_name>

After adding manufacturers list, add the model name or number as shown in the below example.

Example: <new_manufacturer_name>=<new_model_name1>, <new_model_name2>

NOTE:After updating the file, restart the zenloader service for the changes to get effective.