You can run multiple Inventory reports having huge data. When you run multiple Inventory reports having huge data then the memory utilization is more, and the memory might crash for the ZENadmin container.
ZENworks provides a Switch to reduce this memory utilization while running multiple Inventory reports. You can enable this Switch in the back-end by running a configure action. If you enable this Switch then the system will fetch the records in batches, instead of getting all data together from the database.
NOTE:By default, the memory optimization switch is disabled for Inventory reports.
Before enabling the memory optimization switch on a server, ensure that the server date and time is in sync with the database.
To enable the switch to optimize the memory utilization, perform the following steps:
Launch a ZENworks server and run the following configure action:
Microfocus-zenworks-configure -c UpdateInventoryWebAppVersionConfigureAction -Dlegacy=false
Dlegacy represents the existing behavior. If you set the Dlegacy flag as false, then the memory optimization switch is enabled.
Restart the ZENworks Admin Management service by running the following command:
systemctl restart microfocus-zenadmin-mgmt.service
NOTE:If you have multiple Primary Servers in your zone and you want to get this feature reflected in all the servers, then you need to manually perform the above steps on each ZENworks server.
Once you restart the ZENworks Admin Management service, the server is updated with the following memory optimization features:
A new option Many is displayed for the report counts on the Reports Summary page. You can click the Many option to view the total report count.
NOTE:Standard reports having Installations column (for example, Devices By Mfg / Model) will not have Many option. These standard reports display the total report count directly, as Memory optimization changes are not implemented for these aggregated reports.
The pagination is not displayed on the Reports Summary page. You need to click Next after clicking Many to see the pagination.
When you click any file format to download, the file will be downloaded in the .zip format. This .zip file contains two files- a file with actual report format (.csv, .pdf), and the other is Success or Failure properties file. These two files will get created based on the report success/failure case. file is created if the total records are downloaded successfully without any issues. is created if there is an error/exception during the download or in case of partial download.
These properties files will provide information about the actual record count and the time taken to download the report.
To revert the memory optimization change to the old behavior, you need to enable the memory optimization switch. To enable the switch:
Run the following command and set the Dlegacy flag as true:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c UpdateInventoryWebAppVersionConfigureAction -Dlegacy=true
Restart the Restart the ZENworks Admin Management service by running the following command:
systemctl restart microfocus-zenadmin-mgmt.service
NOTE:If this switch is enabled on multiple Primary Servers in a zone, then you need to manually revert the switch on all Primary Servers where the switch is enabled.