12.1 Preparing to Move the Data

Before configuring the server to point the new MS SQL database, do the following:

  • Run the ZENworks Diagnostic Center (ZDC) and check for schema differences.

    If the ZENworks database tables are not present under the default database schema DBO, then to avoid any issues, contact Micro Focus Customer Center before upgrading your zone.

    To find out the database scheme, run the following query in the Microsoft SQL database: SELECT distinct(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) as OWNER FROM sys.objects WHERE type='U'

  • Ensure that the ZENworks Server is configured to an MS SQL database. Assume that the device that currently host the MS SQL database is called MSDB1.

  • Ensure that you have another device with an MS SQL database installed. Assume that this device is called MSDB2. For more information on how to install an MS SQL database, see Prerequisites for External Database.

  • Stop all the ZENworks services on all the ZENworks Servers in the Management Zone.

    • On the Primary Server:

      1. Execute the following command at the server prompt:

        /opt/microfocus/zenworks/bin/microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

      2. Enter the number next to the Stop action.

  • Move the data from MSDB1 to MSDB2. For more information about moving the data, see the MS SQL database documentation.