7.1 Important Commands and Locations

This section provides some of the command and locations that will be used quite frequently while moving the data. Ensure that you keep the following information handy while initiating the data migration:

  • The ZENworks database and Audit database names on the embedded PostgreSQL database are available in zdm.xml and zenaudit.xml files. These files are available in the following location:

    Check the Database key to get the database name.



    <entry key="Database">zenworks</entry>

    <entry key="Database">zenworksaudit</entry>

  • The database details can be retrieved by running the following commands:

    • zman dgc: Retrieves the database credentials used to connect to the embedded database.

    • zman dgca: Retrieves the database credentials used to connect to the audit embedded database.

    • zman dgcs: Retrieves the database credentials of super user that is used to connect to the embedded database.

    • zman dgcam: Retrieves the database credentials of the Antimalware database.

  • IMPORTANT:The user that should be used in the following steps (unless explicitly mentioned) should be any user (administrator) who has privileges to control and monitor ZENworks services.

  • To connect to the database, see Connecting to the Embedded PostgreSQL Database.