9.1 Important Commands and Locations

This section provides some of the command and locations that will be used quite frequently while backing-up the data. Ensure that you keep the following information handy while initiating the data migration:

  • The ZENworks database and Audit database names on the embedded PostgreSQL database are available in zdm.xml and zenaudit.xml files. These files are available in the following location:

    Check the Database key to get the database name.



    <entry key="Database">zenworks</entry>

    <entry key="Database">zenworksaudit</entry>

  • The database details can be retrieved by running the following commands:

    • zman dgc: Retrieves the database credentials used to connect to the embedded database.

    • zman dgca: Retrieves the database credentials used to connect to the audit embedded database.

    • zman dgcs: Retrieves the database credentials of super user that is used to connect to the embedded database.