23.0 Customizing JDBC URL for ZENworks

ZENworks provides a way to configure customized JDBC URLs. After providing the URLs, the newer JDBC URL will be used to establish a connection with the database. ZENworks, Audit, and Antimalware databases can be configured to use the customized JDBC URLs.

Perform the following steps to customize the JDBC URLs:

For the ZENworks database, add the following entry in the zdm.xml file:

<entry key="Jdbc_Url">JDBC URL HERE</entry>


For the Audit database, add the following entry in the zenaudit.xml file:

<entry key="Jdbc_Url">JDBC URL HERE</entry>


NOTE:Replace JDBC URL HERE with the actual JDBC URL. The URLs can be obtained from your database administrator.

Antimalware is not enabled, and you want to configure a custom JDBC URL:

In this scenario, you need to apply the FTF ( or later) and update the ‘database.jdbc.url’ key in the amedatasource.properties file available in the following location:


For example:

database.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=[SCAN_VIP])(PORT=[SCAN_PORT])))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=[SERVICE_NAME]))), even before enabling and starting Antimalware enablement(The other key-value pairs in the file should be empty at this point). If this step is performed, the jdbcUrl will be given preference during and after Antimalware enablement.

Antimalware is already enabled and you want to configure a custom JDBC URL:

In this scenario, you just need to update the in the amedatasource.properties.

However, if you perform a forced migration to the Antimalware database at a later point, then you need to apply the patch and restart the Antimalware service.

After adding the URLs, restart ZENAdmin, ZENClient and ZENLoader services.


  • If you have multiple primary servers in the zone, and you are configuring a custom JDBC URL, then you need to manually modify the config files on all the primaries.

  • If you are adding a new Primary Server to the zone (which is already configured with custom JDBC URL), then ZENworks takes care of updating the config file with the custom JDBC URL.

For example, this ability can be used to configure ZENworks to use Oracle DataGuard.

Following is the DataGuard JDBC driver URL format: