This tab displays all items that have been migrated, according to which migration type you selected in the
panel.If you right-click items in the list, or anywhere in the view, you have the following options:
Delete Selected Items: Deletes the selected items from the list of those that were migrated, but does not change the fact that they were migrated. This is useful for reducing the listing.
Delete All Items: Deletes all of the listed items from the migration listing, but does not change the fact that they were migrated. This is useful for clearing the listing.
Refresh: Refreshes the listing.
Migration Log: The migration data is logged to an RTF log file. The migration log file is always available by double-clicking anywhere on a row. The log file is also accessible in the \log directory created where the ZENworks Migration Utility executable resides. However, its filename uses a GUID, so the Management Utility is usually the best way to access the migration log files.