The NC_PowerCapabilities table contains the inventory data associated with power capabilities of the system.
Column |
Key |
Type |
Null |
Description |
ComponentOID |
PK, FK |
binary(16) |
No |
An internal ID number used as a primary key. |
SupportsS1SleepState |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Sleep State S1. |
SupportsS2SleepState |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Sleep State S2. |
SupportsS3SleepState |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Sleep State S3. |
SupportsS4SleepState |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Sleep State S4. |
SupportsS5SleepState |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Sleep State S5. |
SupportsWakeup |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Wake up. |
SupportsVideoDimming |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Video Dimming. |
SupportsAPMPowerMgmt |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports APM Power management . |
SupportsProcessorThrottling |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Processor Throttling. |
SupportsDiskSpindown |
bit |
True(1) indicates if System supports Disk Spin Down. |
The ComponentOID foreign key references the ComponentOID primary key column of the NC_Component table.