The NC_PowerSupplyRecord table contains the inventory data associated with the power supply of the system.
Column |
Key |
Type |
Null |
Description |
ComponentOID |
PK, FK |
binary(16) |
No |
An internal ID number used as a primary key. |
SourceTech |
smallint |
No |
The source technology used to retrieve the data. |
Capacity |
varchar2(12) |
The power capacity in watts. |
PeakCapacity |
varchar2(16) |
The peak power capacity in watts. |
CombinedCapacity |
varchar2(18) |
The combined power capacity in watts. |
PeakVA |
varchar2(16) |
The Peak VA in VA. |
PeakCapacityHoldup |
varchar2(16) |
The Peak Capacity holdup in seconds. |
InrushCurrent |
varchar2(12) |
The Inrush Current in amperes. |
InrushInterval |
varchar2(16) |
The Inrush Interval in milliseconds . |
ACDropoutTolerance |
varchar2(16) |
The AC Dropout Tolerance in milliseconds. |
InputVoltageRange1 |
varchar2(18) |
The Input Voltage Range 1 in volts. |
InputVoltageRange2 |
varchar2(18) |
The Input Voltage Range 2 in volts. |
InputFrequencyRange |
varchar2(18) |
The input frequency range in Hertz. |
Flags |
varchar2(32) |
The Flags. |
NOTE:The ComponentOID foreign key references the ComponentOID primary key column of the NC_Component table.