At a ZENworks Server command prompt, enter the following command:
zman fdepolicy-purge-eri (fpe) [(device path)(device path)...(device path)] [-b|--begin-date=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss] [-e|end-date=yyyy=MM-dd HH:mm:ss] [-u|--unregisteredDevices]
The options are:
[(device path) (device path) ... (device path)]: To purge the ERI files for specific devices, specify the full path for each device. Ignore this option to purge files for all devices.
[-b|--begin-date=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss]: To purge ERI files starting with a specific date, specify the begin date. All files with a timestamp on or after the begin date are purged. Use this option with the end-date option to designate a specific time period.
[-e|--end-date=yyyy=MM-dd HH:mm:ss]: To purge ERI files up to a specific date, specify the end date. All files with a timestamp on or before the end date are purged. Use this option with the begin-date option to designate a specific time period.
[-u|--unregisteredDevices]: Purge ERI files for devices that are no longer registered in the zone but that still have ERI files in the ZENworks database.
The following example purges all ERI files for device1:
zman fpe /Devices/Workstations/device1
The following example purges all ERI files for device1 that were created between the two specified dates:
zman fpe /Devices/Workstations/device1 -b "2011-10-10 10:10:10" -e "2011-12-31 24:00:00"
The following example purges all ERI files not associated with a registered device:
zman fpe -u
The following example purges all ERI files for all devices:
zman fpe