The MaxPoolSize value configured in the zdm.xml file governs the maximum number of connections allowed in a database connection pool from a Primary Server.
The zdm.xml file is located on the Primary Server:
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\datamodel\
Linux: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/datamodel/
With the default MaxPoolSize value of 100, the ZENServer and ZENLoader services currently create a single thread pool. As a result, under the peak load, there are 100 possible connections each from ZENloader and ZENserver.
However, the database server should be able to accept and serve 200*<N> concurrent connections from the ZENworks context, where N is the number of Primary Servers in the ZENworks Zone.
The current default value is sufficient for most configurations and loads. Customizing the MaxPoolSize value is not recommended and requires close monitoring of the database and ZENworks functionality and performance.
If you want to configure a higher value for the MaxPoolSize parameter, ensure that the number of concurrent connections that can be accepted or served by the database server is greater than or equal to 2*<Configured MaxPoolSize> * <Number of Primary Servers>.
NOTE:The default MinPoolSize value is 5.