To configure the ZENworks Primary Server to point to the new Oracle database (ORDB2), perform the following tasks on the ZENworks Primary Server:
Edit zdm.xml (located in ZENworks_installation_path\conf\datamodel on Windows and in /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/datamodel on Linux) to do the following:
Make sure that the value of the Port entry key is the port number on which the Oracle database is running.
Set the value of the Server entry key to the IP address of the ORDB2 device.
Set the value of the Database entry key to net service name of the Oracle database installed on the ORDB2 device.
Start all the ZENworks Services on the all the ZENworks Servers in the Management Zone.
On Windows: Do the following
Execute the following command at the server prompt:
novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
Enter the number next to the Start action.
On Linux: Do the following:
Execute the following command at the server prompt:
/opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
Enter the number next to the Start action.
ZENworks Server should now point to the new database.