Do one of the following:
Start the ZENworks services from the Services windows:
Click the desktop Start menu.
Click Settings > Control Panel.
Double-click Administrative Tools > Services.
Select the service you want to start (see Table 1-1), then click Start.
Start the ZENworks services from the command prompt:
Execute the following command:
novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
By default, all the services and the Start option are selected.
To start a specific service, specify the number next to the service, then press Enter.
To start all the services, press Enter.
The ZENworks services start when the ZENworks Server is booted and should not normally need to be restarted. If you need to frequently restart the services, ensure that your server hardware meets the ZENworks minimum requirements. If the server does not have adequate RAM, ZENworks services might not continue running. For more information, see Primary Server Requirements
in the ZENworks 11 Server Installation Guide.