You can install selective packages available from external repositories, or install the assigned packages by using Linux bundles or Linux Dependency bundles.
To install packages from the external repositories, you must have subscribed to those External Services. For more information on how to subscribe to External Services, see Section 8.0, Subscribing to External Services.
To install packages by using Linux bundles or Linux Dependency bundles, you must create a Linux bundle with the Install RPM action or a Linux Dependency bundle with the Distribute RPM action, then assign the bundle to a managed device with a specific schedule. For more information on how to create these bundles, see Section 6.0, Using Bundles for Linux Devices and for more information on how to assign these bundles to the devices, see ZENworks 11 SP3 Software Distribution Reference.
Search for the packages that you want to install:
To search for the packages in the external services, use the zac search --service service_name command.
To search for the packages by using the Linux bundles or Linux dependency bundles, run the zac search --bundle bundle_name command.
Install the packages of the bundle:
To install all the packages from a bundle, run the zac install –entire-bundle bundle_name command.
To install selective packages of the bundle, run the zac install package_name [package_name...] --bundle bundle_name command.
To install packages from the external services, run the zac install package_name [package_name ...] --service service_name command.
NOTE:Packages that are available in Linux Dependency bundles can be installed only if the Publish Package option (ZENworks Control Center > Bundles > Click New > Select Linux Dependency Bundle > Click Next until you go to Step 3: Select .rpm File) for the package is set to True. If this option is set to False, the package is used for dependency resolution.
(Optional) Test the installation of the package by performing a dry run of the package before actually installing it on the device by running the following command:
zac install package_name --dry-run
(Optional) Verify package installation by using the zac search package_name command. The status of the installed packages is displayed as i.
For more information on the commands, see the ZENworks 11 SP3 Command Line Utilities Reference.
ZENworks supports pattern install only when the ZYpp Source service of appropriate distribution is added to the agent either via the External Services policy or via the External Service on the agent.
To install patterns:
Search for the available patterns by using the zac search --pattern command.
Install the patterns by using the zac install --pattern pattern_name command.
NOTE:Only the mandatory packages part of the pattern is installed. On SLE 10 devices, even if the Pattern checkbox is not selected the packages corresponding to the patterns are installed.