Selecting this option installs the Imaging services and adds the Imaging role to the device. With this role, the device can be used as an Imaging server to perform all the Imaging operations, such as taking an image, applying an image, and multicasting an image. However, the ZENworks images are not replicated from the Primary Server to Imaging Satellites.
NOTE:The Imaging role is tied to the state of your ZENworks Configuration Management license. If your license state is deactivated, the Imaging role is disabled. For example, if you have a licensed copy of ZENworks Asset Management and you are evaluating ZENworks Configuration Management, the Imaging role is disabled if your ZENworks Configuration Management license expires. For more information, see Possible License State Changes
in the ZENworks 11 SP3 Product Licensing Reference.
Select the check box next to Imaging, then click Configure.
(Conditional) Select the check box next to Enable PXE Services to automatically start the Proxy DHCP service on the device to which the Imaging Server role has been assigned.
To check whether the Proxy DHCP service has been started on the device, review the message log of the device (Devices tab > Workstations folder > click the workstation > Summary > Message Log panel).
(Conditional) Select the check box next to Delete Image Files from the Server if Imaging Role is Removed if you want the ZENworks image files to be automatically deleted from the device when the Imaging role is removed from the device.
The messages are logged in the Message Log panel if the severity level of the local file and the system log is set to Information and Above on the Local Device Logging page. (Configuration tab > Device Management > Local Device Logging).
This option is available only when you want to remove the Imaging Server role from the device.
Click Options next to Configure Imaging Content Replication to launch the Configure Imaging Content Replication dialog box.
The Configure Imaging Content dialog box lists a default configuration that applies to the imaging content, with a fixed interval schedule of every five minutes, no throttling, and a 60-minute content replication period.
Configure the Imaging content replication settings.
Select a throttle rate (in KB/sec). This rate specifies the maximum rate at which content (in kilobytes per second) is replicated. The actual rate can be lower, depending on other factors, including the number of downloads.
Select the duration of the content replication.
When you set the duration, be aware of the following:
The End Time setting in all three scheduling options in the Recurring schedule type (Days of the Week, Month, and Fixed Interval) is not the end time when the content stops replicating. The start and end time settings specify the time period during which a replication can start.
If you select Days of the Week or Month and set a random start and end time, the replication starts between these times and continues for the specified duration. For example, if the Duration is set at the default of 60 minutes and replication starts 10 minutes before the specified end time, content is replicated for the entire 60 minutes. The same concept applies for the Fixed Interval schedule. If Duration is set at the default of 60 minutes and the end time does not allow enough time for the specified duration, content is replicated for the entire 60 minutes.
If the Primary Server contains too much content to replicate during the specified duration, the replication continues at the next regularly scheduled time. Content that already exists on the Satellite device is not replicated again. Content that was not replicated during the previous replication session and any new content added to the Primary Server is replicated.
Select a schedule (No Schedule or Recurring).
The Imaging Content Replication schedule determines how often the imaging content is sent down from the parent Primary Server to its child Satellite. Be aware that the cleanup action for content occurs every night at midnight.
If you do not set a schedule, the <Default> schedule applies to the Imaging content.
Click OK to save the changes.
NOTE:You can also configure the Imaging content replication settings while configuring the Content role to a device. These settings are automatically reflected in the Configure Imaging Content Replication dialog box invoked while configuring the Imaging role to the device. Similarly, the Imaging content replication settings configured while configuring the Imaging role to a device are automatically reflected in the Configure Content Type Replication dialog box invoked while configuring the Content role with Imaging content type to the device.
Click OK.
(Conditional) If you configure the Imaging role, the role is immediately added to the device. If the role is not immediately added, it is added only during the next device refresh schedule. If you want to immediately apply the role to the device, manually refresh the device in one of the following ways:
In the ZENworks Control Center, click the Configuration tab > the Server Hierarchy, select the check box next to the devices you want to refresh, then click Action > Refresh Device.
On a managed device, do one of the following:
Right-click the icon, then click Refresh.
Execute the zac ref command from the console prompt.
To check whether the Proxy DHCP service has been started on the device, review the message log of the device (Devices tab > Workstations folder > click the workstation > Summary > Message Log panel or Devices tab > Servers folder > click the server > Summary > Message Log panel).
The messages are logged in the Message Log panel only if the severity level of the local file and the system log is set to Information and Above on the Local Device Logging page. (Configuration tab > Device Management > Local Device Logging).
(Conditional) If the Linux Satellite has the Imaging role configured, turn off the firewall on the device before performing imaging operations.