Five new reports are available for Patch Management in ZENworks 11 SP4 Update 2.
DAU Status: Includes a pie chart that shows how many days since the Discover Applicable Updates (DAU) task was run on agents in the management zone (those greater than 7 days and those from 1-3 days).
Device Status: Provides a date-time stamp by device name for the following status indicators: Last Contact Date, Last Full Refresh, Last Inventory Scan, and Last DAU.
Overall Patch Percentage: Lists the total number of devices, Patched and Not Patched, with their respective percentages. The percentages are also reflected in a pie chart.
Patch Percentage by Folder: Shows the number of devices patched and not patched in each folder with a percentage of those not patched.
Not-Patched Patches by Device: Provides a table for each device in the management zone that shows patches that are not patched, to include patch names, release dates, impacts, and vendors.
NOTE:After updating or installing ZENworks 11.4.2, you will need to configure the ZENworks Reporting Appliance to have access to the new reports. See Reconfiguring ZENworks Reporting in the ZENworks Reporting Appliance 5.6.1 Deployment and Administration Reference.