To promote an RHEL 6 device as a Content or Collection Role Satellite, the firewall needs to allow communication over the HTTP port. However, due to SELinux policy rules, certain iptables commands such as iptables-save are denied write-access to the iptables configuration, due to which the firewall rules are not enforced.
To promote an RHEL 6 device as a Content or Collection Role Satellite:
Enable the permissive state for the security domain iptables_t using the following command:
# semanage permissive -a iptables_t
Promote the device to a Content or Collection Role Satellite.
As an alternative workaround, you can also restart the Adaptive Agent service using the following command, before promoting a device to a Content or Collection Role Satellite:
/etc/init.d/novell-zenworks-xplatzmd restart