In addition to enabling you to configure the timeout value for the ZENworks Control Center (see Section 3.2, Changing the Timeout Value for ZENworks Control Center), the config.xml file lets you control several additional configuration settings. However, with the exception of the timeout value, you should not need to modify the config.xml settings.
On the ZENworks Server, open the config.xml file in a text editor.
Windows server path: \Novell\ZENworks\share\tomcat\webapps\ zenworks\WEB-INF\config.xml
Linux server path: opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps/zenworks/WEB-INF/config.xml
Modify the desired setting. All settings begin with <setting id=.
timeout: Specify the timeout value in minutes. The larger the timeout value, the longer ZENworks Control Center retains the memory resources, which might have a negative impact on the long-term performance of the device where you have launched ZENworks Control Center. If you change this value, you must also change the timeout entry in the custom-config.xml file. See Section 3.2, Changing the Timeout Value for ZENworks Control Center).
debug.enabled: Change the value to false if you do not want any messages written to the ZENworks Control Center log files. The default value, true, causes messages to be written to the log files.
debug.tags: These settings control debug information. You should not change them unless instructed by Technical Support.
debug.log.viewstate: This setting controls debug information. You should not change it unless instructed by Novell Support.
hideGettingStarted: Suppresses the Getting Started page. This setting is not functional at this time. To manually suppress the page, open the ZENworks Control Center, display the Getting Started page, then select Do not show me this again.
noQuickTaskAutoRefresh: This setting disables automatic refreshing of the QuickTask status dialog box. It is used to discover issues with QuickTask status updates. You should not change this setting unless instructed by Technical Support.
Save the config.xml file.
Restart the ZENworks Server service. See Starting the ZENworks Services
in the ZENworks 2017 Primary Server and Satellite Reference for instructions.