Changes in ZENworks Reporting 6.2.1 include the following:
ZENworks Reporting 6.2.1:
Usability and interface improvements, including improvements to crosstabs, particularly when working with row and column groups.
Improvements to the UI for the Maps.
A new grid layout that makes it easier to place elements in containers, such as bands, tables, crosstabs, and frames.
Ability to combine reports that have varying page layout formats within a single workbook.
Enables report designers to create an Ad Hoc Report Template in Jaspersoft Studio that displays the Ad Hoc filter values when viewing an Ad Hoc report.
Variable Page Format Support enables report designers to combine reports that have different page layout formats within a single workbook. This enables designers to create highly customized content within a single report.
New Features in Ad Hoc Viewer and Editor:
Crosstab cells can be unmerged to show individual rows.
Legends and various labels can be formatted to make better use of the chart canvas.
Ability to search for a domain object.
Bundle Domain: A new bundle domain is available with ZENworks 2017 for creation of reports on ZENworks Bundles. This domain has been optimized for performance and has been designed to meet common use cases.
Dashboard: A new web-based dashboard design environment lets you create web responsive dashboards that include new visualizations, reports, Ad Hoc views, input controls, filters and web pages for more interactive and responsive dashboards.
Dashboard Hyperlink: Define hyperlink behavior for a chart or report dashlet. Using this feature you can specify an internal or external URL for the dashlet.
Dashboard HTTP Parameters: Dashboards created with the new Dashboard Designer can be displayed through HTTP, which now includes the ability to pass parameters into a dashboard.
Self-hyperlinks are now supported in report dashlets.
Dashlets dragged onto the canvas automatically resize to fit the available space.
Chart Types: Multiple chart types are available in ZENworks Reporting. These include Heat Maps, Tree charts, Semi pie, 3D pie, Bar charts, and Solid gauges.
Performance: Includes performance improvements across ZENworks Reporting.
Schedule Master View: Scheduled jobs can be viewed and managed using the Schedule Master view.