Authentication |
No integration with the VPN client (unlike a Novell Client environment, users must always log in to the desktop first)
No integration with NetIdentity (the VPN client does not populate NetIdentity secure store with user credentials)
Automatic Workstation Import |
Manual registration (zwsreg.exe) is required after the user has used the VPN client to authenticate.
The zenwsimport DNS name can be configured at the ZENworks Middle Tier Server or in the DNS/hosts file, but the user must be authenticated to the Middle Tier Server in order to use the Middle Tier zenwsimport setting.
Workstations can be registered on the LAN first and then connected through the VPN client.
Distributing user associated policies |
The Dynamic Local User policy (DLU) fails because the user is required to log in to the workstation before starting the VPN client.
The iPrint policy is distributed normally if the policy distribution is configured as a login event or as a scheduled action.
The User Extensible policy is distributed normally if the policy distribution is configured as a login event or as a scheduled action. A workstation reboot might be required for some configuration changes to take effect.
The Windows Group policy is distributed normally if the policy distribution is configured as a login event or as a scheduled action. A workstation reboot might be required for some configuration changes to take effect.
The Remote Control policy is distributed normally.
Remote control does not use the imported Workstation's IP address stored in the Workstation object. BorderManager 3.8 has a unique IP address for the VPN session, and that IP address must be used to remotely control the client. The Workstation object must also be logged in.
Distributing workstation associated policies |
Agent policies that are configured to distribute with a scheduled action are distributed normally to workstations that must log in locally before authenticating through the VPN client. A workstation reboot might be required for some configuration changes to take effect.
The iPrint policy is distributed normally if the policy distribution is configured as a login event or as a scheduled action.
The Extensible policy configured to distribute with a scheduled action distributes normally to workstations that must log in locally before authenticating through the VPN client. A workstation reboot might be required for some configuration changes to take effect.
Using the Novell Application Launcherâ„¢ to distribute user associated applications
MSI applications
Simple applications
Web applications
Distribution requires selecting ZENworks Middle Tier Server Login for authentication, even when user has already successfully logged in using other Middle Tier applications (for example, NetStorage).
The Work Online/Offline toggle might not function correctly until authentication through the ZENworks Middle Tier Login function is accomplished.
After authentication, the applications are distributed normally.
Using the Novell Application Launcher to distribute workstation associated applications
MSI applications
Simple applications
Web applications
The workstation must be imported manually. (See Using Zwsreg.exe for more information.)
After Workstation Helper has authenticated, the workstation associated applications are distributed normally.