Understanding ACL Files

This chapter describes the access control list (ACL) files and their syntax. ACL files are text files that contain lists that define who can access resources stored on your Web server. By default, the Web server uses one ACL file that contains all of the lists for access to your server. However, you can create multiple ACL files and reference them in the OBJ.CONF file.

You need to know the syntax and function of ACL files if you plan to customize access control using the access control API. For more information on the API, see the Novell Developer Kit Web site.

Using either local database or LDAP directory modes, you manage access control through the access control lists (ACL). With Novell® eDirectoryTM, you manage access control through NetWare® file system trustees. For more information, see Using a Directory Service to Control User Access to Network Resources and Controlling Access with NetWare Web Access Controls.

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