How NetWare Web Search Works

Understanding how Web Search handles searches can help explain the role of templates, template variables, and query parameters in Web Search. One of the great benefits of Web Search is the simplicity of customizing it to meet your needs or the needs of your clients.

The following figure shows what happens when users submit words through the search template and how Web Search then handles the words to generate and display search results.

Figure 4
How NetWare Web Search Handles a Search String

In this diagram, the user (1) enters a search string such as NetWare 6. The search string is then searched for in the index file on the Web Search Server (2). If the search string is located, the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) and document titles and descriptions are passed on to the search results template (3) and displayed to the user (4). The information that is displayed is determined by the variables included in the search results template, which means that you can modify what information is actually returned to the user by adding or removing Web Search variables from the template.

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