Web Publishing through WebDAV

There are various ways of publishing content to your Web server. (See How to Publish Content to Your Web Server.) Web-distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is an industry standard protocol and is an enhancement to the HTTP protocol, turning the Web into a document database that enables collaborative creation, editing, and searching from remote locations.

For your users to benefit from WebDAV, it must first be enabled. WebDAV is enabled by default once you install NetWare 6. But if you need to enable or disable it, you can do so from NetWare Web Manager.

To enable WebDAV on your Enterprise Server, do the following:

  1. From the NetWare Web Manager home page, click NetWare Enterprise Web Server servername > WebDAV.

  2. Under WebDAV State, click On.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Save and Apply.

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