NSS Server Console Commands
Use the following commands at the server console to view NSS information and perform tasks.
Online Help Commands
Enter nss /help or nss /? to access Help.
NSS Configuration Information Commands
- nss /modules Lists the providers, loadable storage subsystems, and semantic agents.
- nss /status Lists the current NSS status.
- volumes Lists all NetWare and NSS volumes that are mounted, including Admin volume.
- nss volumes Lists all NSS volumes, including the Admin volume.
Other NSS Commands
- nss /Activate=volume_name Activates an NSS volume.
- nss /Deactivate=volume_name Deactivates an NSS volume.
- nss /Maintenance=volume_name Switches the specified NSS volume to maintenance mode.
- nss /ForceActivate=volume_name Forces an NSS volume to become active.
- nss /StorageAlarmThreshold=value Lets you set the threshold for a low storage space warning. The default is 10. The range is 0 to 1000000.
- nss /StorageResetThreshold=value Lets you reset the threshold for a low storage space warning. The default is 10. The range is 1 to 1000000.
- nss /(No)StorageAlertMessages Turns ON or OFF the low storage message to users. The default is ON.
- nss /NumWorkToDo=value Sets the number of WorkToDo entries which may be concurrently executing. NSS uses WorkToDo entries for tasks such as flushing file metadata to disk in the background. Increasing the number of WorkToDo entries might be useful on a system that is heavily used. NSS always reserves 20 WorkToDo entries. The default is 40. The range is 5 to 100.
- nss /FileFlushTimer=value Sets the flush time for modified open files in seconds. Increasing this number might reduce the number of writes to disk; however, it increases the amount of data that will be lost if the system crashes. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 1 to 3600 seconds.
- nss /OpenFileHashShift=value Sets the size of the Open File hash table (in powers of 2). If many files are used concurrently on the server, we recommend that you increase this number. The default is 11. The range is 8 to 20.
- nss /ClosedFileHashShift=value Sets the number of closed files that can be cached in memory. The default is 512. The range is 1 to 100000.
- nss /MailBoxSize=value Sets the size of your mailbox. The default is 228. The range is 64 to 256.
- nss /NumAsyncios=value Sets the number of asynchios entries to allocate. The default is 2048. The range is 4 - 65536.
- Numbonds=value Sets the number of bond entries to allocate. The default is 5000. The Range is 512 - 2097152.
- Salvage Enable salvage of deleted files on volumes.
- NoSalvage Disable salvage of deleted files on volumes.
- UserSpaceRestrictions Enable user space restrictions on the volume.
- NoUserSpaceRestrictions Disable user space restrictions on the volume.
- DirectoryQuotas Enable directory quotas on the volume.
- NoDirectoryQuotas Disable directory quotas on the volume.
- DataShredding Specify <vol name> [:<count>]. Enables data shredding for the volume. This is the number of times you want to shred data. The default value is 1. The maximum value is 7.
- NoDataShredding Disable data shredding on the volume.
- FlushFilesImmediately Synchronously flush files in the volume when they are closed.
- NoFlushFilesImmediately Disable synchronously flushing files in the volume.
- FileCopyOnWrite Create a copy of files in the volume when they are open for write.
- NoFileCopyOnWrite Do not create a copy of files on the volume when they are open for write.
- UpgradeObjectsOnVolume Upgrade objects on volumes to the current version.
- Transaction= Enable transactional writes in files on the volumes.
- NoTransaction= Disable transactional writes in files on the volumes.
- Migration= Enable migration of files on the volumes.
- NoMigration= Disable migration of files on the volumes.
- AllocAheadBlks=value Set the number of blocks to allocate ahead on writes. The default is 15. The range is 0 - 63.
- Compression Enable file compression on the volume.
- NoCompression=volume Disable file compression on the volume.
- NoBGCompession Start or stop background compression. Stop BGCompression will stop all the compression requests in the queue.
- CompScreen Start the NSS compression statistics screen.
- Pools Shows all of the currently available NSS pools.
- PoolAutoActivate Activates specified pools at load time.
- PoolAutoDeactivate=pool Leaves specified pools deactivated at pool load time.
- PoolAutoDisplay Displays current pool load time policies.
- PoolAutoMaintenance=pool Places specified pools in maintenance mode at pool load time.
- PoolAutoVerify Verifies the specified pool's physical integrity at startup time.
- PoolRebuild=pool Rebuild specified pools.
- PoolRebuild Select pools from a menu and rebuild them.
- PoolVerify=pool Verify the specified pool's physical integrity.
- PoolVerify Select pools from a menu and verify their physical integrity.
- LogicalVolumePurgeDelayAfterLoad The number of seconds to delay purging deleted logical volumes. This allows time to reverse the deletion.
- LogicalVolumePurgeDelayAfterContinue The number of seconds to delay purging a logical volume after clicking continue. After a volume starts to purge, it cannot be salvaged.
- VolumeMaintenance Places a volume into a maintenance mode. Volumes can be put in maintenance mode, but maintenance only occurs at the storage pool level.
- MFL=volume Enables MFL maintenance for the volumes.
- NoMFL=volume Disable MFL maintenance for the volumes.
- MFLVerify=volume Get the status of MFL maintenance for the volumes.
- FixMFL MFL maintenance for the volumes.
- GetMFLStatus Get the status of MFL maintenance for the volumes.
- VolumeAutoActivate Activates volume at load time.
- VolumeAutoDeactivate Deactivates volume at load time.
- VolumeAutoDisplay Displays current volume load time policies.
- ZLSSIOStatus Displays current NSS IO status information.
- ZLSSPendingWriteIOs Number of write IOs dropped to the storage subsystem. (0 = all available) [Value=1000 Range=0 - 3000].
- ZLSSVolumeUpgrade Allow the 5.x/ZLSS VolumeUpgrade to the NetWare 6 format to occur during the installation process.
- LVDeleteStatusBasic Displays information about deleted logical volumes.
- LVDeleteStatusSalvagable Displays information about salvagable logical volumes.
- ZLSSPoolScan Scans for and loads all ZLSS pools.
DOS FAT Commands
- nss /(No)FATLongNames Enables long filenames on FAT volumes. The default is ON.
- nss /(No)FATLazyWrites Performs lazy writes of FAT. If set to ON, data that is written will be kept in memory for a specified period of time before it is also written to FAT. This increases performance. The default is ON.
- nss /FATLazyWriteDelay=value Sets the FAT lazy write delay (in seconds). When (No)FATLazyWrites is set to ON, you specify how many seconds you want data kept in memory before it is written to FAT. The default is 60. The range is 5-180.
- nss /FATPartition=partition_type_number Supports up to three additional partition types containing 16-bit FATs, such as /FATPartition=12,13.
- nss /space Shows the amount of space on pools and their associated volumes.
- NoClassicDirectoryQuotas Turns emulation of traditional NetWare volumes on or off. The default is off.
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