Use at the server console to define an alias. An alias is a user-defined keyword that represents a string. (The string can include both spaces and punctuation.)
When you enter the keyword at the command line, the server replaces the word with the string. The keyword remains in effect until you restart the server.
WARNING: If you are associating a keyword with a command string, make sure that you do not inadvertently leave out the keyword. If you do leave out the keyword, the first word in the command string becomes the keyword. If you then try to execute the command, the server will interpret it as a keyword, not as a command.
For example, if you enter ALIAS LOAD INSTALL, LOAD becomes a keyword for INSTALL. If you then try to execute a LOAD command, the server displays a message saying that INSTALL has been replaced by NWCONFIG.
ALIAS [keyword[text]]
Parameter | Use to |
(no parameter) |
Display all defined aliases and the text they represent. |
keyword and text |
Assign the keyword to the text. |
keyword |
Delete the keyword as an alias for the text. |
Define an alias to reduce keystrokes or to avoid having to remember arguments in a long command string.
In the following example, ALIAS associates the keyword proto with a command to bind a protocol.
To use the keyword, enter the alias at the server console prompt, instead of the BIND command:
Executing ALIAS with no parameter displays a list of defined aliases, similar to the following:
1. PROTO alias for <BIND IPX NE3200 NET=12345678>
2. M alias for <MODULES>
To revoke the keyword proto as an alias, you would enter the following at the server console prompt: