Configuring MIME Types

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) types control what types of multimedia files your e-mail system supports. You can also use MIME types to specify what file extensions belong to certain server file types (for example, to designate what files are CGI programs).

Adding a New Mime Type

  1. From the Web Manager home page, click Enterprise Web Server servername > Server Preferences > MIME Types.

  2. From the Category drop-down list, select a category.

    Type is the file or application type, Enc is the encoding used for compression, and Lang is the language encoding.

  3. In the Content-Type field, enter the context type that will appear in the HTTP header.

    The receiving client uses the header string to determine how to handle the file. The standard strings are listed in RFC 1521.

  4. In the File Suffix field, enter the file suffix.

    This is the file extension that maps to the MIME type. To specify more than one extension, separate the entries with a comma and do not include any spaces. Do not map one file extension to two MIME types.

  5. Click New Type.

Editing a Mime Type

  1. From the Web Manager home page, click Enterprise Web Server servername > Server Preferences > MIME Types.

  2. Click Edit next to the category you want to edit.

  3. In the Content-Type field, enter the context type.

  4. In the File Suffix field, enter the file suffix.

  5. Click Change MIME Type > Save and Apply.

IMPORTANT:  Do not enter spaces between the file suffixes when you add or edit a MIME type. If you put a space between them, you might receive an error or your server might not restart. If this happens, edit your MIME.TYPES file to delete the space. The MIME.TYPES file is in your server root in the HTTPS-servername/CONFIG directory. After you have edited the file, from Server Preferences, click Apply.

Removing a Mime Type

  1. From the Web Manager home page, click Enterprise Web Server servername > Server Preferences > MIME Types.

  2. Click Remove next to the category you want to remove.

  3. Click Save and Apply.

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