Before you set up and begin backups, follow these guidelines to make backups easier and to avoid problems later.
Log in. You will have limited success backing up and restoring if you log in without the Supervisor right.
For security reasons, many SBCON options are limited to the network administrator.
Reserve disk space for temporary files. Make sure you have disk space available (1 to 2 MB) on the target server's volume SYS: to accommodate log and error files. SBCON creates temporary files on the target server during backup. If you have linked UNIX* files or files with extended attributes, the temporary files might be larger than 1 MB.
Do not mount or dismount volumes during a backup or restore session. The data might be corrupted or an association might occur at the host server.
Use the correct name space and name space formats. If you do not use the correct name space and name space formats when entering paths and file names, files can't be restored. Name spaces: DOS, FTAM, Macintosh, NFS, OS/2 Name space formats: Exit SBCON before unloading drivers. If you unload a manually loaded driver (such as aha1740.dsk or aspitran.dsk) before exiting SBCON, you might cause the host server to abend. Use original case for non-DOS names. Non-DOS pathnames and filenames are case-sensitive. NetWare recognizes DOS pathnames and filenames in uppercase only. If you're not sure of the original case, refer to your log file.