FTP Server Startup

The FTP Server software can be loaded from the NetWare® server using the following command:


The server takes the default configuration file SYS:/ETC/FTPSERV.CFG. On installation, this configuration file has all the parameters, commented, with their default values.

To start the NetWare FTP Server software with a different configuration file (for example, MYCONFIG.CFG), place the file in the SYS:/ETC directory and enter the following at the command line:

nwftpd -c myconfig.cfg

NOTE:  If there is any change in the .CFG file, nwftpd should be reloaded.

Creating an Anonymous User

To create an anonymous user, enter

nwftpd -a [-c Configfile]

The server takes the anonymous user home directory from the configuration file and displays it on the screen with the option to modify the directory.

NOTE:  The -a option modifies the configuration file for anonymous user access. For this change to take place, reload nwftpd.

Viewing the Active Sessions Display

To load the Active Sessions Display utility, enter

ftpstat [-p port number]

The server takes a port number that the HTTP browser should connect to in order to view the NetWare FTP active sessions. The default port is 2500.

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