iManage 1.0

Associating a Role to a Scope

If you add a member to a role and then try to associate that role to a scope that does not exist, you will get an error message. Click OK to clear the error message.

Creating Objects with European Characters

To create objects in iManage containing European characters, set your browser locale to any European language. Even if you set your locale back to English, you can now create and view objects containing European characters. Using Internet Explorer 5.5, do the following:

  1. Click Tools > Internet Options.

  2. Click Language > Add.

  3. Select a European language (such as Portuguese or German) and then click OK.

Setting Up Encoding for Foreign Languages

If you are experiencing problems with correct character display in iManage, you should verify that your browser's language and character set encoding are configured properly.

To enable iManage to display information in the language you expect, you need to

Setting Your Browser's Language

Using Internet Explorer 5.5, do the following:

  1. Click Tools > Internet Options to display the Internet Options dialog box.

  2. On the General page, click Languages.

  3. Add your language to the list and make your language the first language in the list.

  4. Click OK to save the changes and then close your browser.

  5. Open your browser and log in to iManage.

Selecting the Correct Encoding

When your browser receives encoded iManage information, it uses the currently selected character set encoding to display the information. For this reason, you need to make sure that you've selected the correct character set encoding for your browser's language.

Using Internet Explorer 5.5, do the following:

  1. Click View > Encoding to display the Encoding submenu.

  2. Click the appropriate character-set encoding for your language.

    IMPORTANT:  On Windows workstations, iManage uses Windows encoding to display characters. On other platforms, iManage uses ISO encoding. If both encoding types are displayed, select the type that is appropriate for your platform.

Creating New Roles

If you have more than one rbsCollection in your tree and you create a new role in one rbsCollection and assign tasks to that role from another rbsCollection, users will not be able to see their assigned roles and tasks when they log in to iManage.

When creating new rbsRole objects in iManage, the tasks for that role should be assigned from the same rbsCollection container that the role was created in.

Out-of-Memory Errors

If you receive out-of-memory errors when running iManage (Error: 500 on client browsers and OutOfMemory Java exception on the Server Login Screen), edit the SYS:TOMCAT\33\BIN\TOMCAT33.NCF file and add the following switch to the Java command line:


128 represents the heap memory (in MB) that Tomcat will use. You can go as high as 400 for this parameter. To change the heap memory to 400 MB, your Java command line would look similar to the following:

java -Xmx400m -envCWD=$TOMCAT_HOME -classpath $TOMCAT_CLASSPATH -Dtomcat.home=SYS:\tomcat\33 org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main -f sys:/tomcat/33/conf/nwserver.xml %1 

To determine the heap memory that Tomcat is currently using, enter the following at the server console:

: java -show

This command will return a process number such as 196.

The following command will show the heap memory setting as well as the current usage for the heap and physical memory:

: java -showmemory196

Use the number returned from the Java -show command (196 in the above example).

Deleting All Role Objects

If you delete all the rbsRole objects in iManage without also deleting the tasks, you can create a new rbsRole object, but the task list will not show any of the tasks.

You can create a role without any tasks and then modify the role to include tasks. However, we recommend instead that you re-install the product packages in order to re-create the removed roles. Use the Install Package task in iManage to reinstall the product packages.

Modifying the iManage Installation Path during a NetWare 6 Custom Installation

You should not modify the iManage installation path during the NetWare custom installation unless the container you specify in the installation field already exists.

If you do specify a container that does not exist, you will receive -601 (No Such Entry) errors on the following files:


You will also receive the following error:

Failed to associate initial roles with user admin.

If you receive this error, you can associate the initial roles with the administrator User object after the installation finishes by completing the following steps:

  1. In iManage, click the Configure tab.

  2. Click Role Based Services Setup > Create rbsCollection.

  3. Follow the online instructions to create an rbsCollection container.

  4. To install the iManage plug-ins, click Role Based Services Setup > Install Plug-in.

  5. Associate each role with the Admin User object.

    1. Click Role Management > Modify Role.

    2. Click the icon in the Members column of a role.

    3. Follow the online instructions to add the admin User object as a member of the role.

Setting Inheritance Rights

In this release of iManage, the ability to set inheritance rights is not available. Inheritance from the container chosen as the scope down through any subcontainers is automatically set and cannot be changed. This allows only the chosen container to be used as the scope and not the subcontainers as well.

Performing a Post-installation of iManage

When performing a post-installation of iManage, you must restart both Apache and Tomcat after the installation is complete in order for iManage to work properly.

Granting Additional eDirectory Rights to Owners of rbsCollection Containers

When you make a user an owner of an rbsCollection container, you should grant that user the additional eDirectory rights needed to fully administer that collection. This user should be given supervisor entry rights to the objects needing modification (assign roles to, etc.).

Assigning a Container Object As a Member of a Role

When you assign a container object (Organization or Organizational Unit) as a member of a role, only the users directly under the container will have access to that role. Users in subcontainers under the one assigned will not be able to use that role. This is the same way that assigning containers to Group objects works in eDirectory.

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