Checking Available Disk Space

You should monitor available disk space regularly and keep a log so you can track disk usage over time. This information helps you make the best use of your disk space management options, such as adding a new hard disk, compressing files, and migrating data to an offline system such as an optical disc library.

HINT:  You might want to enter the disk space information on a spreadsheet to create a graph of disk usage over time.

  1. From the MONITOR Available Options, select Volumes.

    A list of mounted volumes appears. Volume information is displayed for the highlighted volume in the upper screen.

  2. Press Tab to expand and activate the Volume Information window.

    The scroll thumb at the right of the window indicates that the list of Volume parameters is scrollable.

  3. Scroll to Disk Space and note the available disk space for the volume and record it in a log.

  4. Press Tab to return to the list of Mounted Volumes. Check additional volumes as necessary.

  5. Press Esc until you return to Available Options.

  6. Repeat this procedure weekly for each volume.

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