
package com.sssw.jbroker.api.security;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
public interface Realm
     * Authenticate the given principal using the provided pass phrase.If
     * authentication succeeds, return true.Otherwise, return false.
    boolean authenticateBasic(String principal, byte[] passPhrase);
     * Authenticate the given principal using the provided digest and
     * nonce.The digest is an MD5 hash of {MD5 hash of the realm name,
     * principal, and the pass phrase}, and the nonce.If authentication
     * succeeds, return true.Otherwise, return false.
    boolean authenticateDigest(String principal, byte[] digest, byte[] nonce);
     * The realm implementation is specified as a properties file, where the
     * name of the realm is the name of the properties file.The properties
     * file can provide other properties to initialize the realm.
     * When a realm is loaded by the ORB, it calls a null constructor on it
     * and then calls the initialize method. The contents of the properties
     * file is realm implementation specific.
    void initialize(Properties props, ORB orb);
レルムはアプリケーションごとに指定され、ORBで登録できます(「カスタムセキュリティレルムの作成」を参照してください)。 ユーザのリストを直接管理し、認証サポートを提供するか、LDAP Server、NIS/NIS+、Databaseなどのその他のサービスの一部に 機能を委任できます。

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